How to Survive a Heart Attack

Benjamin Gordon
2 min readAug 26, 2019

Emergency rooms are all about logistics.

Photo by Roman Fox on Unsplash

by Benjamin Gordon, Cambridge Capital

Approximately 850,000 Americans suffered heart attacks last year. For some, these attacks are fatal. But in over 30% of the cases, patients recover fully when given rapid treatment. According to Yale Professor Harlan Krumholz, “Heart muscle can’t live long without its supply of blood, and every second the heart is deprived of vital oxygen and nutrients can lead to further and, ultimately, irreversible damage and patient death.” Every minute counts.

A 2004 panel comprised of American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology experts concluded that patients should be treated within 90 minutes of arriving at the hospital. Yet few hospitals achieve this target. In fact, only a third of US hospitals currently reach this goal for just half of their patients!

The solution is the supply chain. A team of researchers surveyed 365 hospitals, visited 11 top performers, and recently published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine. The goal: how to cut the “door-to-balloon” cycle time. Their conclusions on time-saving steps:

• Letting front-line ER doctors order the catherization lab: 8 minutes

• Consolidating phone lines into a one-call paging system: 13 mintues



Benjamin Gordon

Ben Gordon, CEO of Cambridge Capital and BGSA. Investor in logistics and supply chain technology. Published at Fortune and CNBC.